Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Easiest DIY Glass Cabinet Fix Ever

When my mother-in-law bought us this fun, funky red glass door cabinet, I was super excited. I knew it would fit perfectly into our bathroom that could win awards for how awkwardly shaped it is. 

Our apartment was truly built by a man. What do I mean by that?

It has NO storage. Literally, none. No cabinet in the bathroom. No drawers in the kitchen, no CABINETS in the kitchen.  It has been one of the most interesting journeys trying to find homes for all of our stuff.

So back to this funky red cabinet..I was so excited cause it would hold all of our stuff. But hiding our stuff was another story.  Day and in day out I have been staring at our shaving cream, face wash, deodorant, tampons, and toilet paper wondering when it would magically look nice. 

If the cabinet stayed empty all of the time the cabinets would be no problem, but we all know that empty cabinets will never happen to newlyweds who still have wedding gifts being shipped to their parents house 3 weeks later!

Exhibit A:

This is what I've been staring at every day wondering how I could fix. So as I am preparing to get back into scrapbooking with all of the wedding photos, I've been shopping for paper. And it occurred to me that the width and height of these cabinets might fit a couple 12x12's really nicely.

I was right! 
I would love to tell you how I intricately attached the papers but all I really used was scotch tape on the parts that aren't showing. I didn't find 4 sheets of the same paper, so I found some that were alike.  I had to cut about an inch off of the top sheet so there wasn't a weird seam where the two pages met. 
I used paper from a "photo real" stack that I bought a long time ago thinking it could be used really creatively. 

The finished product: 

I'm super super happy with how it all came out. 

And it took less than 10 minutes. 

It's so easy to change the paper too, if I ever get sick of flowers. Which isn't likely but, you know. 

If you have a glass cabinet, clear glass door, shelf, or drawer that needs some major help like ours did I would recommend this in an instant!

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. super cute cabinet. great for extra storage. the fun papers are FUN. :)
