
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Tarantula

I don't need to say much, the pictures speak for themselves.

All I have to say is: We went hiking during tarantula mating season, and I thought I was going to die. And then we saw one, and I almost peed my pants. My sweet husband let us turn around after that, because Lord knows I'd have a full-blown panic attack after more than one large black tarantula.

NEVER again.


  1. i can one up you. last week we the weather was great so i opened the windows and doors. our slider is currently without a screen. that evening i was seated on the couch when i looked over AND....tarantula in the dining room! *shiver*

    1. oh my goodness. how did you not have a heart attack?! I guess if you see them often in your area you may get used to them..but we are so new here to the country that it was a complete shock that they were even within a 100 mile radius!!

  2. how did you know it is tarantula matching season? i would have about died if we went hiking then. i am not a fan of spiders. i was watching that a TV show and they were in Cambodia and they fried and ate tarantulas, yuck!

    1. Hi meg! My brother in law is super into hiking in this area, and is actually more afraid of spiders than I am (as well as any other woman I know) so we happened to tell him about this experience and he was dying of laughter because he thought "everyone" knew that it was their mating season. I think if tarantulas were the last food on earth, I would starve to death! No amount of deep fried breading could take the yuck away.

  3. Um what?! Where was this, because I definitely need to steer clear...You guys look adorable, though! :-)

    1. It was in the mountains just east of Morgan Hill, CA. I would steer clear at all costs!!
