
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Reason to Celebrate

Last night the Giants beat the Cardinals and are headed to the World Series. 99% of the people I know are celebrating the victory, and even though I'm not a baseball fan, I must admit it's fun to see the unity that a single sport brings to such a diverse community. 

But I'm celebrating for a different reason today. 

I got the job!

I am so overjoyed. So thankful. So overwhelmed. So blessed.

Two weeks ago, Seth and I committed to doing better with finances, something I have been forever terrible at, and the next day I get called for an interview. God does really big things when you seek guidance and commit selflessly to His will. I was clearly being called out of super-spending lifestyle and needed a major wakeup call, aka no job, for me to really see reality. 

While I understand the value of hard work and dedication, I also missed the boat on learning to handle my money. So while I've watched my parents work tirelessly to provide, it never clicked for me that one day that storehouse would run out and I'd be left with no income and no savings. Reality is tough, but this new job will more than provide and for that I am so thankful.

I am learning this money management thing one day at a time, I'm committing to doing better because I have more than myself now to provide for, and that is something that will never change. I know this new job means a lot of change is about to take place. I will work every weeknight until 9pm, which isn't an easy pill to swallow but I keep reminding myself that Seth and I have all our lives to be home at dinner time with each other! 

I'm so excited for this new journey that is about to unfold! I can't wait to share more details and stories as they come!

Have a great Tuesday, and find a reason to celebrate today!


  1. hey girl heyyyy! congrats friend :)

  2. jobs are great. happy that God provided!!

  3. Yay, congrats on the job! Let's go Tigers... The World Series will definitely be fun this year with me and my hubby being from Detroit but now living in NorCal. We get funny looks when we go out in our Tiger gear, especially with the Giants playing against them.

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