
Thursday, October 4, 2012

PinterTest Kitchen: "Best Shrimp Ever" and "Bacon Wrapped Chicken"

I've been pinning a lot of food lately. Now that the wedding stuff is done, I have more important things in life like cooking for a hungry, hungry husband.

Seth and I have been on a low-carb diet for a while, and while its has been the only diet that has ever worked for me. I've never felt healthier and I haven't had stomach pain associated with my IBS in 10 months. That being said, most of the stuff I make is low carb!

I don't usually touch anything from the ocean, but I recently started eating more shrimp, so this easy sounding and yummy looking pin caught my attention:

Source: via Jamie on Pinterest

The caption says this: Whoa... Melt a stick of butter in the pan. Slice one lemon and layer it on top of the butter. Put down fresh shrimp, then sprinkle one pack of dried Italian seasoning. Put in the oven and bake at 350 for 15 min. Best Shrimp you will EVER taste:)

Best shrimp ever is a BIG promise. So I decided to try it as an appetizer for Seth and I.

The prep was easy enough...defrosted the shrimp with running cold water and sliced some lemon. 
I have no idea which italian is best, so I just grabbed the one that looked good!
Melted my butter in a bowl..much easier cleanup. Not to mention the bowl is cute :)
pour it over..
Add the seasoning..
15 mins later..voila!
I hate that shrimp shrink so much. We ate all of these in less than 5 minutes.

Now they were GOOD.
But not quite the best shrimp I've ever tasted. I don't know if I have tried enough shrimp recipes to gauge what is best, yet!

But, I would definitely make them again, in a larger quantity :)


Next pin for my hungry, hungry husband:

Now this has Seth written ALL over it. I like recipes with pictures, easy ingredients, and easy directions. I'm not super experienced in the kitchen, so easy is key.

Obligatory ingredients shot:
Chicken Breast, Shredded Cheddar, Cream Cheese, Bacon!

Arrange your bacon strips 3x2.
Place chicken breast on top, add cream cheese.  
Add Shredded Cheddar! 
Wrap the bacon around the chicken, covering up as much surface area as possible.
I didn't have toothpicks, which would have been really helpful because the bacon shrunk and warped as it cooked. 
While it cooks, hire your husband to sauté the vegetables!
Wait 45 mins...

Ok, I know it looks a little greasy and gross.

But I promise, it is MIGHTY tasty!

I would season the chicken next time before adding the cream cheese, but that is just about the only thing I would change!

This recipe was relatively easy, and majorly delicious.

Jess, thanks for hosting such a fun link up! I love making recipes from Pinterest!


  1. at first i thought this said bacon wrapped shrimp.
    you ALMOST converted me to being interested in shrimp.
    ALMOST :)

    you guys are really rocking that new kitchen! SO FUN!

  2. Great recipes! I'm not much for seafood either, but that shrimp pin has been making me curious. I might have to finally give it a go for my shrimpy-lovin' hubby.

    I have IBS too. It's the pits, ain't it?

  3. First, you are the cutest housewife. I do not love things from the ocean either EXCEPT shrimp. So I am excited to try this. That chicken looks YUMMY. I would have to hide the cream cheese part from Dave which is easy with all that bacon. I miss you, Jaim! Come back and visit again soon. And bring that shrimp.

  4. did you know if food were a love language it would be mine lol. that chicken looks sooooooooooooooooooo good!

    you should link you pinterest so I call follow you! ;)

  5. i may have just had a heart attack, BUT i can't wait to try that goodness!!

    shrimp is my fave and now i have a super easy recipe to try! thanks, friend!
    i bet it would be HELLA good on some salad...

  6. Ok, that chicken looks delicious!! I did the butter/italian seasoning shrimp too. I tossed them with pasta and broccoli at the end because we too would have downed those suckers in about 2 minutes!

  7. I hear ya on the shrinking shrimp! With that chicken/bacon-y goodness, perhaps you could tuck a couple of shrimp on top of the cheese below the bacon...?
