
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Birthday Part 2

My birthday has always been a low-key event. SO many people are gone this time of year on vacation that its virtually impossible to plan something. I planned a small BBQ for those who weren't invited to my showers this weekend, I felt bad overloading people on celebrating me. Being awesome gets tough sometimes. 

Seth and I had a few hours before the BBQ so we decided to go to the zoo. I love random adventures with this guy, and it was a perfectly quiet day in San Francisco. Here are some of my favorites.

This awesome Barn Owl had a GIANT wing span. I wish I could have taken a shot of it!

Check out this turtle. If I were a turtle, I would dream of a shell like that!
Who knew peacocks had such long feathers? They were free to roam on the grounds of the zoo, it was a little nerve racking to see one haphazardly running towards you but they were used to humans!

This was my favorite peacock of all :)

I need new tires on my car. So instead of an expensive birthday dinner I asked for a BBQ that was cheap so my parents could give me money towards my tires. I think it was a pretty sweet deal. They said they would have rather gone out because it was a lot of work. Welp...sorry for trying to be efficient with money, mom and dad!

These peeps make me happy
This cake makes me even happier. Dreagers makes the best strawberry mousse cake you've ever had. Go buy it, now. 
Staredowns. All day, every day.

The boys like to snuggle...more than the average group of bros.

Angelo made a new furry friend. You can bet Autumn loved all the company. 

The fantastic girls that celebrated me all weekend. LOVE YOU!

My amazing Maid of Honor flew in ON my birthday. This is the first time I've got to see her on my birthday! My heart was full and I was so lucky to have her here. 

Bridesmaid dress + silly friend = THIS
The girls get to pick how to wear there dresses for the wedding. This is Ashley's top choice at the moment ;)

I have great friends. I had a wonderfully special birthday this year, I know 22 is going to be the best one yet!

Now, please excuse me while I go finish off that cake.

Who am I kidding, I paused in the middle of typing, went to the fridge and ate it before I was done with this post.

Now go buy it so I can create a new addict. Whoever you are, you're welcome.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Birthday Recap

Well, I survived this weekend which is hard to believe. I can't wait to tell you about all the fun that was had! I am reminded of the amazing people that God has placed in my life -- and the past few days have been the best ones this year. 

Thursday was my 22nd birthday, and my friend Toby decided a few months ago to buy tickets to see Kelly Clarkson and The Fray for it! I could bring a friend, so Haeley, Toby and I set out on Wednesday afternoon to Concord.  We decided to stay overnight in Concord, and avoid the madness of trying to drive over an hour home that night! 

We started the night with mexican food and margaritas. How else do you celebrate a birthday?!

"We'll take 2 pitchers of the Raspberry Margaritas, please!"

There was a lot of laughing. A lot of clanking glasses. And a ton of eating. Oh and did I mention margaritas? 

After dinner we hopped in a taxi to head to the venue.  And of course, taxis are the best places to take pictures, right?

It was FREEZING at the stadium. We all thought, East Bay must be HOT this time of year...well we were wrong. We snuggled up under one blanket all night, dancing when we could to warm up! Next time, you bet we will be better prepared!

And finally, the concert was amazing. Carolina Liar opened, followed by The Fray and Kelly Clarkson. I personally have been waiting to dance my a$$ of to Kelly Clarkson since I was 14 and went through my first break up. "Since You've Been Gone" was on repeat 24 hours a day during that time, I even played it on my ipon while I was sleeping. Can you say dramatic?

Thanks to my wonderful friends for making my birthday awesome. You guys rock!

Come back tomorrow for more recaps on my crazy weekend!


Thursday, July 26, 2012

22: A Birthday Post

5 years ago I was...
Turning 17. 
Thinking about college. 
Just had met Seth.
A senior in High School.
Wanting independence.
A baby.

SO much has happened since then. And I know I will experience the same kind of change in the next 5 years to come. 

Today as I turn 22:
I am . . .
A soon to be wifey.
A church planter.
A crafty shop owner.
A bookworm, wannabe historian, and a collector.

I want . . .
A hot yoga membership.
An endless supply of buttons.
A house on the beach.
Smaller feet.

I have . . .
A man who adores me.
Friends that spoil me.
Family that supports me.
A Savior who died for me.

I hate . . .
Open water.
Loud noises.
Bra straps that show.
The list goes on..

I wonder . . .
about life in the future. Friendships, church, jobs..

I regret . . .
Harsh words;
that I can't ever take back.

I need . . .
Lots of reassuring.
Frequent date nights.
Coffee every morning.
Coke Zero.

I never . . .
want to plan a wedding again. amen.

I am not . . .

I rarely . . .
I try my hardest not to let emotions cause me to say ugly things.
Wear socks;
they always get in my way!

I always . . .
Feel like I'm not doing enough; 
feelings of inadequacy run deep.
I always know the love of Jesus surrounds me,
and that my adequacy cannot be defined by the world.

I wish . . .
The weekends were longer and the working week shorter.
That pre-wedding bliss could last forever.
That gas was free.
That girls weren't dramatic.
That bugs didn't exist. 

I love . . .
Fresh laundry
White tee-shirts
Winnie the Pooh.

I am...22! 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Scenes From The Weekend

Summer is busy. There is so much happening day to day. Here's a little bit of the last couple weekends.

Haeley and I attempted to go to the beach. And then half way there she remembered she had to be home all day for the Best Buy Geek Squad to come install something. Stupid Geek Squad.

I got to see my long lost friend and Haeley's Graduation party!

This happened. And by this, I'm not entirely sure what this might be. 

Pie also happened. Oh Heidi's, your trashy 24 hour joint never tasted so good. 

Seth took me to the RC car track. Turns out, he's not that crazy about this sport -- the people we met there were even nuttier than I could have imagined. 

We celebrated 4 years on Friday. Woot!

We have been talking about going to the Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz for years. We decided to keep it low key for our anniversary and go there for a couple hours. It was interesting, and nauseating, and perplexing all at the same time. Mostly nauseating though. 

This was as close I could get to the inside of the cabin where all the mystery was. 


I stood there for 2 seconds before running back to straight ground. 

This is my "take me the heck home" face. 

Or..."take me to get ice cream". And that's exactly what we did. What is a trip to Santa Cruz without Maryanne's ice cream? Banana Almond Fudge and Burgundy Cherry -- we were so full we didn't eat for the next 10 hours. That stuff is crack. 

My favorite part of the Mystery Spot was leaving...and this is my "yay, we are leaving face". 

This little sassy pants is my flower girl. And that is her dress, totally A-traditional..and just her style.  Look out world, Daryn is the sassiest girl in town (I think she takes after me ;) )

Ellen had a birthday. This sweet girl and I share a birthday, but we celebrated her on Saturday night with wine and bruschetta. I could probably eat here every day of the week.

P.S What way do you choose to say bruschetta? I'm convinced they're all correct. 

Seth came over last night to start the new season of Breaking Bad with me. Have you seen that show? Has your world been turned upside down by its craziness?

Well this photo obviously has nothing to do with that show other than the fact that my dog, Autumn, thinks that Seth is her boyfriend and likes to snuggle up next to him whenever he's around. She still pee's when she sees first sight of him coming to the door. Sweet, innocent puppy love...

There's the weekend, ya'll. How was yours? It's another crazy week for me full of last days at work, best friends visiting, my own birthday, two showers, and a BBQ.

Ready, set, goooooo!

P.S Have you heard about Sudan? I love what the Lord is doing through my small little church body. I am excited to see who He calls to go, give, and pray. So spread the word, win some awesome stuff, spread the word some more. That's all you gotta do!

Read more about the giveaway here

miscellany monday at lowercase letters

Friday, July 20, 2012

4 years.

Today marks 4 years that Seth and I have been dating. 

4 years ago Seth took me up to our favorite spot on Skyline blvd and asked me to be his girlfriend.  It was July, and we knew we only had 2 months until I left for school, in Seattle. And now, here we are, only 2 months from getting married. 

I'd be lying if I told you these past 4 years have been easy and that every day is wonderful. In fact, we have been through more ups and downs than I expected as a 17 year old girl with a cute, new boyfriend. 

What I can tell you, in absolute truth though, is that God designed Seth for me. Designed him to fill in all of the places that I fall short, to be brave where I am not, and to be funny when I am often too serious. There is nothing I have ever been more certain about in my life. 

 In 4 years we have grown together, changed together, lived in different states, and have learned so much about how God designs relationships and marriages.

Even though it's silly to celebrate an anniversary right before we get married, this day will always be special to me. How could it not?!

Seth, I can't wait to marry you. You make me happier than I ever imagined. You make me laugh every day and I know that will always be so. You encourage me to be brave, adventurous, and even a little silly. I am in awe of your humble attitude towards all things, your gracious demeanor, and your willingness to always put others before yourself. I am so thankful for you.

Happy last year of dating. Happy 49 days till our wedding. Happy 4 years, babe!

I love you.

And now...a tour through the years!